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inline form test page

inline form test page

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Your child

Please select your child's birth sex*
Is English your child's first language?*
I/we give authorisation for a reference to be requested from your child's current school*

Parent/Legal Guardian

Does this person have parental responsibility for the child named above?*

Parent/Legal Guardian 2/Alternative Contact

We must have two contacts per applicant.

Does this person have parental responsibility?*

Overseas Students

Additional Information

Please note, a registration fee will need to be paid to accompany this registration.

I/We have paid the Registration Fee to support/accompany this application*
Tick here to confirm the information provided on this form is true and correct to the best of your knowledge at the time of submission*


  • ISC
  • nace
  • woodard
  • heads
  • plp
  • Careers